Dangerous Dance

Glad you could join us for the next distressing episode of Elliot’s Adventures. If you’re new here, you can catch up by returning to the beginning, and reading really fast…

Elliot D
Photo credit: Wes Lum

Suspended in the wavering blur of Elliot’s desperation, the mesmerizing Passionetta twirled before him, dangerous and distracting. Her voice stroked his weakened will with its ethereal hum, drawing him closer, tempting him with visions of carefree eternal rest.

It would be so easy, he thought, so pleasant, just to lie here and watch her dance. I would never have to move again.

He fought to close his mind to a tiny warning deep within, urging him to resist her beguiling charms. As darkness seeped into his sight, the murmur of alarm faded to the shadow of a whisper.

Time was running out.

Continue reading “Dangerous Dance”

Cosmic Photo Challenge

Check out K’lee’s and Dale’s entries in the Cosmic Photo Challenge, and learn how to play along. With a theme like Man’s Best Friend (K’lee’s choice for this week), you’d expect a gallery of dogs at their most lovable and disarming, right? Maybe like this?

Version 2
Mina and Hugh, Sister and Brother, Man’s Best Friends

Continue reading “Cosmic Photo Challenge”