41 thoughts on “Rejection Repurposed, #1”

  1. Someone will bite, Sue and that someone will be a big one. Rejections can be a pain, but I know you’ll pursue reception until this baby is received. I knew you’d create a way to welcome the toll of it all. *big hugs*

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    1. Thank you, dear Tre! Your confidence in me is a guiding star, and our commitment is unwavering. I know you understand the need to step away and re-center, to take time to create within a close, personal sphere. I think that kind of creativity, whether with words or little treasures you can hold in your hands, is a spirit-renewing sanctuary. It helps keep life in perspective. I’m glad you are alive and well. *big hugs right back*

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      1. You are so right, sometimes some things require us to step away from it, then come back to it with new eyes and concepts. I’m glad you’re pursuing your goal. Thank you, Sue. You are so welcome. 💙

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    1. I wonder if I have no idea who ever became a traditionally published author, or failed to escape the purgatory of rejected experts. Not that there’s no mental stimulation and fun to be had there, but it seems like growth opportunities would be fewer and less expansive, doesn’t it?

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        1. I suppose your wish for an actual memory is reasonable and realistic. A laudably mature wish. On the other hand, I have found that if I recall a possible memory a sufficient number of times, it becomes as clear as an actual memory, and just as satisfying. Then I can trundle along with as much certainty as any Republican that whatever I say is factually correct.

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  2. Is it one person who has that much power over a publishing? What a shame if that is the case. Kind of like selling a house…it takes one buyer, that’s all! Never give up!

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    1. Most traditional publishers won’t accept manuscripts directly from authors. They deal with agents. Different agents want different genres, so you have to research agents first to see who might want what you’ve written. Then it depends on whether or not your query letter hooks them enough to make them want to read your attached pages and ask for the whole manuscript. THEN they have to believe they can sell it. It’s a filtering process that ultimately depends on whether or not an agent connects with your theme and style. It’s heartening to learn how many rejections best-selling authors experienced before they were ever published. And most of them agree that only authors who give up don’t eventually succeed. We’re all in. 🙂


  3. Ah yes, book rejections are such a dismal part of the field. I certainly received a few, back before it became more customary for editors to simply not respond. I had to keep reminding myself, “It’s not personal. It’s just business.” (Yes, just like Meg Ryan’s character in You’ve Got Mail). Yet, it can feel so personal when we’ve spent so many months pouring ourselves into the work of art we are trying to sell.
    Best of luck with your future queries!

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    1. Thanks! Did the mantra help? Did you skin ever thicken? Do you think a non-response is kinder or just plain rude? It seems to me that it’s easier for the person doing the business to feel it’s not personal than it is for the person receiving the business to feel that it’s not personal. I remember Meg’s character feeling awful either way. (I love that movie.)

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      1. I like to think that I developed a thicker skin, but it’s been awhile since I’ve sent out any queries. I do prefer when the editors/agents respond, though. I even received a few detailed response letters with improvement tips, which I treasured. Guess I should follow your lead and jump back into the arena, since my novel is complete. I will keep trying my best, like you, not to take those rejections to heart. It’s not personal; it’s just business. It’s not personal…

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    1. Thank you, Hugh. I figure it beats drinking the disappointment. Besides, it ups the endorphins and makes me feel really good about the re-writing that’s waiting for me. lol


  4. Love your creative repurposing! Not only are you “repurposing” your rejection, but also repurposing the bits and pieces of jewelry to make something new and beautiful. Good luck with the ongoing quest, and don’t give up (I know you won’t)!

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