Stranger In the Dark

Glad you could join us for the next smoldering episode of Elliot’s Adventures. If you’re new here, you can catch up by returning to the beginning, and reading really fast…

Elliot 138
Image credit: TextureMax

Madam Duggla didn’t mind being led into the unknown. She didn’t mind sitting in the dark with the walls entombing her. She wasn’t even bothered by arrogant pests that forced their way through life by threatening creatures less cruel than themselves.

But when the unknown threat in the tomb-like hole smoldered in the dark, it caused her some alarm.

To be continued. . .

Previously, on Elliot’s Adventures ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Next time . . .

Author: Sue Ranscht

Having survived valve repair surgery and an experimental cardiac bypass at age 5, three years before it was an accepted medical procedure, Susan grew into the size of her overworked and enlarged heart. Maybe she thought she had enough to give it away -- twice. Both times, she had to retrieve the shattered pieces and puzzle them back together. She thanks her Dad for the only advice of his she ever followed to the letter: "Never get married. Learn to take care of yourself." So of course she is a writer. Susan has co-written a YA SciFi novel, and has three more novels in various stages of evolution. She's had several short stories published in other people's anthologies, some of which were contest-related. Let her tell you a story...

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