First Combat Master Vladimir the Just

Glad you could join us for the next actual episode of Elliot’s Adventures. If you’re new here, you can catch up by returning to the beginning, and reading really fast…

Elliot 130
Photo credit: Carlos del Pico

In the second deepest chamber beneath the Tower of Honor, an expansive room carved out of porous white stone, the residents gathered to confer, converse, and dine. Organic lighting spread cheer with its impression of sunny windows.

As the High Priestess entered, everyone — hundreds, Elliot estimated — stood. Acknowledging them with a nod, she led him to a laden table on the raised dais at one end of the hall, then turned to the waiting diners.

“Elliot has come from Queen Lilian of Fen to further his education in the hope he will earn a Name. Should he receive the Granters’ approval, his Naming Ceremony will take place here in the Hour Before Dawn.”

She sat, and the crowd followed her example as a murmur rose to hover above the tearing, crunching, slurping sounds that normally accompanied mealtime.

Taken a bit aback to hear this curious agenda, Elliot’s calm surprised him even more. Yesterday, perhaps even as recently as this morning, he would have panicked at the looming expectations, judgments, and possibilities of failure this announcement seemed to present. But something in him had changed.

My part is just my part, he thought. All I can do is all I can do.

He munched for a while on a red berry. Licking juice from his lips, he asked, “Tell me, Madam Priestess, what is this Naming Ceremony about?”

“You’ve been thinking.”

“I have. I’ve been thinking there must be more to this than I’m aware of, and it would be helpful for me to learn what I can.”

“An excellent prelude to any endeavor,” she affirmed. “We each have an essence — that quality of truth that defines us. Added to our name, it lends us transparency.”


“The seed from which trust grows.”

Elliot tilted his head to consider this different perspective. “Hmm. I like to believe anyone who comes to know me well will trust me because I work to be trustworthy.”

“That’s admirable, but time-consuming. Sometimes when the stakes are high, trust among strangers is all that can save us.”

A hand came from behind him to rest on Elliot’s shoulder. Turning, he faced a face that bore an uncanny resemblance to the painting in the arched room.

“Elliot,” the High Priestess interrupted herself, “this is First Combat Master Vladimir the Just.”

“Come with me, please,” the kind voice requested. “It’s time to distill your essence.”

To be continued. . .

Previously, on Elliot’s Adventures ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Next time . . .

Author: Sue Ranscht

Having survived valve repair surgery and an experimental cardiac bypass at age 5, three years before it was an accepted medical procedure, Susan grew into the size of her overworked and enlarged heart. Maybe she thought she had enough to give it away -- twice. Both times, she had to retrieve the shattered pieces and puzzle them back together. She thanks her Dad for the only advice of his she ever followed to the letter: "Never get married. Learn to take care of yourself." So of course she is a writer. Susan has co-written a YA SciFi novel, and has three more novels in various stages of evolution. She's had several short stories published in other people's anthologies, some of which were contest-related. Let her tell you a story...

11 thoughts on “First Combat Master Vladimir the Just”

    1. I haven’t distilled my essence yet, either. Sometimes I think I’m close, but then I think of something else that seems just as close. i guess that indicates those words are on the periphery. Maybe it’s something someone more objective has to do for us.


  1. What??? That sounds suspicious to me…love binge reading Elliot’s adventures, some fab pictures, and I love the sense that he is becoming aware of the Bigger Picture and his place in it…great read, as always 😺💕xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Samantha! I’m glad you enjoy it so much. Suspicious? Hasn’t anyone ever distilled your essence for you? Lol. I suspect there’s a crystal that could help do that, but you would know better than I. Every cat I’ve ever known seems to instinctively understand her own essence. 😻😸🐌❤️


      1. Oh yes, I love Elliot’s saga, it’s got everything… a hero who learns from every experience, romance, a strong feminine character, a brilliant supporting cast…and no, I must confess I generally keep my essence to! Joking apart, a great metaphor for self knowledge and learning. 💕😺xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes! It’s getting better and better. I’m glad to see Elliot begin to settle a bit, “But something in him had changed.”

    I cannot wait for the next installment!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You make my heart so happy you feel that way, Tre! I have been excited for this week for months. I hope you’ll let me know what you think after Saturday’s episode. . . 🐌😊❤️


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